Friday, April 16, 2010

Question Period??

When I had a bit of a facelift to the new company blog my idea was to every once in a while have regular posts. One of which I wanted to call Culinary Question Period.

So without further ado, What is your Culinary Question?
Ask away. Don't be shy.
Leave your question in the comments, and next post I will answer as many as I can.
I am not promising knowing the answer to everything, but will do my best with the knowledge I have. And if I don't, I will find out.

Until you ask :)


  1. How do you choose Sea salt? I would love to start using it, but there are SO many kinds I have found.

  2. do you have to use yeast to cook bread? Is there a way to make bread without yeast?- and where do you find yeast in the grocery aisle.
    also- how in the world to you calculate enough food for big groups?

  3. How do you decide what spices to add to a dish? (I know huge question.)
